Elite Endodontics

Cracked Teeth

healthy tooth

      Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, stronger than even bones! However, exposing teeth to clenching, grinding, or chewing on hard objects can cause cracks in our teeth. These cracks can lead to symptoms from pain on biting or chewing or sensitivity to hot or cold foods. At times, there may be no symptoms at all.

      The innermost area of the tooth, the pulp, houses the soft tissue which contains the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels. When the enamel of the tooth is cracked, chewing can cause irritation or inflammation of the pulp which causes sensitivity and can lead to infection of the pulp tissue.

cracked teeth

      There are many types of cracked teeth. Treatment will depend on the type, location and severity of the crack. Common cracks consist of cracked cusps, split teeth, and vertical root fractures. Dr. Dyriw will discuss options with you if there is any concern on the prognosis of the tooth.