Elite Endodontics

Apicoectomy (Root End Surgery)

      Root canal treatment can and often does, last a lifetime. Occasionally though, traditional root canal therapy alone may not be enough or may not be an option. In this case, we may recommend a root end surgery to save your tooth and alleviate your pain.

endodontic surgery explained

      An apicoectomy is a procedure where the tip of the root is removed where bacteria can often hide in tiny canals. This is a microsurgical procedure completed using a dental operating microscope to see the finest details.


      A small incision is made on either side of your tooth to allow visualization of the bone. Any inflamed or infected tissue is removed as well as the tip of the root containing bacteria.

endodontic surgery root end filling

      Ultrasonics are used to remove some of the old filling material and create a space which can be sealed with a new biocompatible material. A few sutures are placed to help the tissue heal.

endodontic surgery healed

      Over time, any bone affected will heal and return to normal. Occasionally, this may take anywhere from 6 months to several years. There should be no pain during this time however.